
Friday 19 June 2015

Mr Bean

 The fat old lady barked and pointed at the long grass with her walking stick. “Cut the grass, Mr Bean” she shouted while looking at the old lawn mower. Reluctantly, Mr Bean headed over to start the rusty old machine.

“Splutter splutter” Smoke poured from the mower. Mr Bean looked around, he wasn’t one for hard work. He knew there had to be an easier way. Out of the corner of his eye Mr Bean noticed the cage full of little bunny rabbits.

Picking some of the grass mr bean walked over to the cage and  gave a bunch to rabbits. Quickly they gobble the sweet green treat. Now he had an idea.

Tinkering in his shed mr bean created a perfect tool for a. man lazy as himself a rabbit lawn mower after he set the. rabbits to work he lay on his. lawn chair and relax and in enjoy a glass of lemonade.

Mr Bean  mest up the scientist. robot by changing  the wires. Then  robot was being mean to the fat old lady then the fat old lady chased the Scientist out into his car then he went.

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