
Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Get Set Go

At Get Set Go we were playing tidy the house and we were trying to get more rubbish at the other house.  But they were too good at throwing stuff. At the next battle we were winning, we had 5 second left then we won.


Last wensday we went to welcome the hokulea waka.we saw the sun reflecting on the water to the waka.there were over 2000 kids from manaiakalani schools.there was a karanga to welcome our manuhiri. We sang beautifully. I enjoyed seeing the waka. 


Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Sentence with adverbs

This morning we used different adverb to create some sentences

Monday, 23 March 2015

Equal Sharing

We used equal sharing to learn about fractions.

Get set go

At get set go we were playing tidy the house and we were trying to get more rubbish at the other house  but they are to good at throwing staff on the next battle we were winning we had 5 second left then we won

Thursday, 19 March 2015


On Tuesday we went to motat it was a super hot day and it was brilliant and  we went to explore

At first we went with Abby to talk about inventions and the olden day stuff. They had phones and cameras and typewriters. Then we went to the village and we saw a jail and we were trapped in the jail.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Going Swimming in a Thunderstorm

 Pitter, patter, the thunder rumbled.

 We are learning to write sentences using interesting beginnings. We want to entertain our audience - not bore them!